Monday, July 31, 2017
Dear Life @ 4:02 PM

"When we go to buy chairs we try many before buying one, so then what is the problem in looking for options while selecting a life partner?"

Came across this saying while watching 'Dear Zindangi'. And it somewhat got me thinking, we would always go for the best options in life. I guess it's somewhat the same when choosing life-partner. Many times we meet people who are first strangers before getting friendly with each other. And we will meet and get to know different people. So when you get to know so many people, leads me to the next question, how do we know that we have found the perfect chair/match?

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle … 
people can only help you in finding and connecting the puzzle pieces … 
but only you can complete the puzzle

Monday, July 24, 2017
Raya 2017 @ 11:51 AM