Thursday, March 27, 2014
26/03/14, wisdom tooth extraction @ 2:19 PM

Hello lovelies, it's been so long. Anw, I had 1 of my wisdom tooth extracted yesterday. And it's a lie if I say I was not freaking out. Got my top right tooth removed. I was so scare at first but my ortho said that it was like normal tooth extraction. And since I survive extracting 4 tooth due to braces, I should be able to survive this. But it's just that it's been so long since the last extraction. The thought of needles and continuos blood flow just freaks me out. But somehow it wasn't that bad after all. The process was alright coz after the injection my mouth was numb and when my tooth was plucked out I couldn't feel anything but to just hear the cracking sound. Yeappp, you can hear your tooh crack. It was after the process that's crazy. It took me 2 hours for the blood to completely stop flowing. And within that 2 hours I had to just close my mouth and bite the gauze to stop the blood. So my mouth is like full of saliva and blood and once in while I have to spit everything out and change to a new gauze. Lucky I had no problem eating. It's just that I have to chew on the side. And had to constantly gaggle and rinse my mouth with salt water after eating. Call it troublesome but I don't wanna risk myself getting gum infection or anything. And since the wound is still raw, must take care till it completely heals. One gone, 1 more to go. And the next time round I won't be so freak out as yesterday coz at I would know what to expect. It wasn't that bad after all. 
And being me, I kept my tooth! Obviously I washed and cleaned it. Oh, and I still have my 4 tooth that were extracted due to putting braces. Call me weird or what but these kind of things a memories and it's not always happening just like how I still keep my gallstones. I was hopping the tooh fairy to visit me but she didn't! :(

Until next time.. 
