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Saturday, December 28, 2013
Highlight of 2013 @ 6:56 PM
24th Dec 2013. A day to remember. It was the first time in my entire life having to go thru an operation. It was a mixed feelings for me. I wasn't that nervous until the day actual came by. Didn't felt anything during the whole procedure as they put me to sleep. And the way I'm being knocked out was just so cool. They made me breathe and oxygen air and next thing I know BAM I was asleep. And when I finally regain my consciousness the operation was done. I was still in a hallucination moment and started to feel the pain. My stomach felts like a tons of brick being put there or maybe worse. I can't really move much.
Right after the ops. There were 5 different places of the hole or watever they did to my stomach. And I can only took soft diet food. Basically I had porridge for like breakfast, lunch & dinner. Now I'm officially sick and tired of eating porridge. ( can't believe I'm saying this though coz I like eating porridge on days I feel like eating porridge. Haha ) Luckily my stay there was only for 2 days. Coz seriously I really got no life but to eat and sleep. So basically I spend my Xmas eve & Xmas at the hospital. If there's 1 thing I would miss it would be the bed as I can get into my most comfortable position by adjusting the bed. After 3 days I can took out my dressing away and now I'm just left with this water proof sticker that's keeping my wound together I guess. 1 more week left before I can peel this sticker off.
And if you're wondering what kind of surgery I had to I through, I'm removing my gallstones. Im still keeping my stones as a souvenir. Hahaha
Now my food diet is kinda fucked up and it sucks to be me right now. I'm not allowed to eat oily and fatty food for at least a month to prevent myself from having any stomach bloated. Say goodbye to fast food for at least a month! FML~ Haizxx
// Now I'm feeling better compare to before. But my stomach still feels sore here & there. A big thank you to the nurses of SGH ward 57(I think) for taking care of me. && my aunts for visiting me and asking about my well-being. I feel so blessed~
In memory of 2013...P.S: 3 more days to countdown. Any new year resolution? I gave up doing new year resolution since last year coz apparently my resolution are always unfullfilled! Oh wells.. But the least I could wish for is 2014 to be blessed with health, wealth & love.
Monday, December 23, 2013
2D1N trip @ 4:05 PM
Spend my weekends with them on our mini trip to batam. It was a 3D2N trip but mine or shorten up to only 2D1N. But nevertheless I still did enjoy myself. It was more of a charity cum holiday. Why I say charity is because we had late lunch/tea break with the orphanage and some boding time with them.
The function takes place at the hotel ballroom which is also the place we stayed at, The Hills. Based on previous visit and compared to other hotels I stayed during my visit to Batam, I don't quite like this hotel. Breakfast wise is still acceptable.
Did the usual things when I'm there which is to shop & eat. The things there are pretty decent not forgetting the price are quite cheap also!! After been there for few times, I realized that these are the must eat/try when you're in Batam.
1) cup corn ( they are super cheap compare to SG. Cost: RP 7000 which is like approximately of $0.70. See the price different)
2) crepes
3) alvocado juice, they are just so delicious and relatively cheap
4) A&W ( coz you can't get this in SG)
Basically most of the stuff there are cheap if compare to SG that includes the grocceries items like our toiletries, food. For clothes wise have to see as some it's about the same as sg so might as well buy here. Overall it was a nice short getaway.
//Now I'm all home alone. Despite having the house all to myself, have to prepare my own food. And being me, I just buy my food instead. Note to self: go learn how to cook already. Anw, it's not like I don't know how to cook. Simple things like fry eggs, rice all that I can but referring to those complicated dishes mut learn already. Hehe.
Today is a rest day for me. As tomorrow I have to go for some minor surgey. That is the main reason why I have to shorten my trip. Coz dad says I need to rest and stay at home in case anything happens like falling sick and stuff. Don't want to complicate things more. It seems like I'm spending Xmas eve in the hospital. Having mixed feelings about the ops as its my first time having to go ops and the last tonne I'm being warded in a hospital was like in primary school like that? Due to high fever. Gahh.. I just hate hospital.
Until then, XOXO
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Eat.Shop @ JB @ 2:26 PM
It was and eat, drink, shop & more eating affair at JB, City Square mall. It was our agenda to go there in the first place to eat and eat and eat and not forgetting to shop also. We reach there wayyy early. When i say early, i really mean it. The shops are not even opened yet. They opened at 10:00 AM and we like reach there at 9:30 AM which landed us with half an hour to kill by just sitting down and doing nothing. As soon as they were opened, out first pit-stop was SUBWAY for our breakfast. As we all know, subway is not halal in SG, hence the only way to satisfy our subway cravings was to go down to the opposite boarder.
After feeding out stomach with food, went walking around for a while and get ourself auntie anne requested by sister. P.S: My sister even make a list of what she wants to eat. I didnt have any pictures of this as i didnt took one. And the more of shopping and walking around before our lunch at Seasons. It's like Swensens here in SG but i dont get it why didnt they call it that instead than calling it season. I'll tell you guys what i mean by it.

Ordered the US fries, and look at their packaging. Its exactly like swensens!
The 6 main course ordered by us.
What i had!
And not forgetting dessert. But being the chocoholic me, obviously this is not mine.
I had myself sticky chewy chocolate instead. woop~
I didnt really shop much as there's nothing that catches my eyes except for nice WEDGES, BUT why must foot be so small. sighhhh. After much walking around, they kinda got tired and decided to sit down and chill somewhere. Settle down on starbucks. The drink i get myself was so random and anyhow. I just randomly order and it kinda turns out to be nice.
My starbucks shot which is a bit fail coz of the lighting.
Take away macaroons & roti boy before going home. And also my second serving of subway. heheh
** Did anyone remember Rotiboy. SG used to have. Dont know what happen and now its gone. The aroma smell of the bread is just so delicious~
My company for this trip! Special thanks to dearest aunt for treating us MOST of the food.
Much thanks <3 p="">
** It pretty much a fat day for us. I dont know about the rest but i know i can eat alot.. And the best part of being me is i can eat & eat & eat without having to worry about getting fat. Guess its has it's pros and cons. Until next time~
**Cant wait for my mini getaway. its not really a mini getaway i should call it. When your 3D2N have to changed to 2D1N, What is it you call it. OH well, cant blame anyone coz i myself dont see it coming and its making me a little nervous knowing i have to go through it.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Food journey @ 4:09 PM
I've always wanted to go cafe hopping and yesterday was the start of my journey. Hopefully it wont just stop there. This means have to find more free time, and more new places to go. So our first food journey was;
Pic credits to: google(burpple.com)
I am... cafe @ Haji lane. They were located at the entrance of Haji lane and it is just a 10 mins walk from bugis MRT. Got to know about this place from JUS hence, i decided to check it out. It was pretty crowded when we reach there maybe coz its on a Friday. The food we ordered was a virgin Lychee Mojito and the other drink which i forget the name. The starter platter (we can't decide which starter to choose so this is a wide decision). For the main course we had, Charcoal-Grilled Juicy Beef Burger and Hotstuff Beefy Jumbo
Overall the food were pretty alright. Something different. I was looking forward to try the dessert as by just looking at it itself it looks nice especially the rainbow crepes. However, we were too stuffed to had a room for dessert as we planned to drop somewhere else after that also. Never the less, i would still come back to try their rainbow crepes!
Where: 674 North Bridge Road, off Haji Lane, Singapore 188804 / Contact: +65 6295 5509
Opening Hours:
Mon – Thu: 11:00 am – 11:00 pm
Fri – Sat: 11:00 am – 1:00 am
Sun: 11:00 am – 10:00 pm
Our next stop after that was...
Coz both of us wanted to have some chocolate affair so much, and decided to settle on max brenner. So from bugis we ended up our self at max brenner, Esplanade outlet. Coz we are so lazy to change many lines of the mrt, we dropped down at raffles place and decided to walk from there and catch the beautiful view..
&& we just had to stop and cam-whore for a while. Typically us i guess. hahah
Its was really a chocolate affair. I ordered myself the churros set as i wanted to eat churros so much. Yes, been craving for that badly and she had herself a the crepes and shared ourself a eighties milkshake. Being a chocolate lover myself, I really enjoy the food. But i thought the churros was kind of a bit of disappointment. Its not as crispy as i expected it to be. Let the pictures do the talking...
If you were to ask me if i would visit the place again, my answer would be definitely a YES! Anything that has to do with chocolates, i just love them! 
Location: Esplanade Mall, 8 Raffles Ave #01-06/08
// SO basically i spend my Friday the 13th eating.. Good food with good company. Had a nice catching up session with my dear cousin. Its been quite sometime...
Until next time...
Labels: cafehopping, cafesg, chocolate, I am, max brenner
Thursday, December 12, 2013
First post @ 9:41 PM
A big welcome to me. After like so many year of not blogging, my itching hands are finally back to blogging. Honestly, i really miss those times where i used to blog. It's really been awhile.. Not only that, much regret that i kinda deleted my old blog. Biggest mistaken ever make. If not i could read back what had happen in my laugh and see how retarded my life can be..
Oh well.. Just like the saying, "yesterday will always be a history" so i guess there's is no point looking back.
Anyway, i'm quite proud of myself for being able to re-built this blog. *deserve a pat-on-the-back* Somehow i manage to re-cap bits and pieces of using the HTML coding. Not expecting much on this blog but would just update bits and pieces of what's happening in my life. I know i should start on a new year, new beginning but nevertheless there's nothing wrong in starting early.
I'm having my 2 weeks break now, YAY BUT there's still assignment needed to be done and most of the days of my holidays are already booked for some stuff~ BOOO :'(
RANDOM THOUGHTS: I wonder if i would have any reader. && to my readers, please dont be anonymous.
oh, yesterday date was 11/12/13 isn't it cool! haha.
Till next time..